Guiding Our Future: 

Meet the PES Board of Directors and
Join Our Monthly Meetings

Pulaski Electric Service (PES) and PES Energize are governed by a citizens’ Board of Directors who are appointed by the Mayor of Pulaski and confirmed by the Pulaski Board of Aldermen. The Power Board members each serve a four-year term of office and meet monthly in formal board meetings. These citizen directors set policy and approve planning with input from the PES and PES Energize staff and ratepayers.

Board meetings are typically held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. in the Henry Sims Board Room at PES’s office building, 128 S. First Street, Pulaski, TN.
Pulaski Electric System (PES) is legally constituted under Tennessee Code Annotated Title 7 Chapter 52 (Municipal Electric Plant Law of 1935).

Engaging with Our Board

The Power Board welcomes and encourages input from ratepayers of PES. In order to foster an
open dialogue with the community, the Power Board establishes two methods by which any
person may address the Board at its regular monthly meetings.


At the beginning of a regular meeting of the Power Board, any interested person may address the Board on matters appearing on the agenda of the meeting. Speakers will be expected to limit their presentation to three minutes in order to afford everyone wishing to address the Board an opportunity to do so.


At the conclusion of a regular meeting of the Power Board, any interested person may address the Board on any matters within the jurisdiction of the Power Board. Speakers will be expected to limit their presentation to three minutes in order to afford everyone wishing to address the Board an opportunity to do so.

The actual discussion of matters appearing on the agenda of the Power Board
shall continue to be confined to Board members and PES officials as requested
during the consideration of such business.

Board of Directors

Marcus Houston, Board Chair

J.J. Brindley

Neal Bass, Director

Sarah Reese, Director

J.B. Smith, Director

Andrew Hoover, Esq., Board Attorney