Effective August 1, 2024
Rates include Fuel Cost Adjustment
Residential Rates
- Customer Charge: $24.88
- Energy Per kWh: $0.11111
Commercial Rates
Small Commercial (GSA1) <50kW
- Customer Charge: $37.92
- Usage per kWh (not to exceed 15,000 kWh): $0.11675
Medium Commercial (GSA2) 51kW – 1000kW
- Customer Charge: $152.24
- First 15,000 kWh: $0.12210
- Over 15,000 kWh: $0.07108
- Demand per kW above 50 kW: $17.57
Large Commercial (GSA3) 1,001kW – 5,000kW
- Customer Charge: $532.85
- Usage per kWh: $0.07485
- Demand per kW for first 1,000 kW: $20.40
- Demand per kW above 1000 kW: $14.71
Manufacturing MSB-TOU 5,000kW and up
Demand Charge
Base Customer Charge: $1,500.00
- Onpeak: $10.70
- Maximum: $3.08
- Excess over contract: $10.70
Energy Charge
- Onpeak: 0.08080
- Offpeak First 200 hours: 0.05467
- Offpeak Next 200 hours: 0.02365
- Offpeak Additional kWh: 0.02099
Outdoor Lighting
*All new lighting will be replaced with LED equivalent.
Energy per kilowatt hour: 0.07674
LED Lighting
- 60W: $10.69
- 71W: $9.94 (equivalent to 150W HPS)
- 136W: $14.33 (equivalent to 250W HPS)
- 150W: $17.12 (equivalent to 400W MH)
- 194W: $20.09 (equivalent to 1000W MH)
- 218W: $20.78
Schedule of Electric Service Fees & Customer Incentives
(To be used in conjunction with POL 4.1.30)
Connection Charge $35
Disconnect Standard Meter for non-payment $35
Disconnect CT Meter for non-payment $110
Returned check $20
Service call — after hours $110
AMI OPT Out Fee $35
Test/Read meter at customer’s request $35
Connection of security light $50
Broken meter seal $50
Theft of service Costs Incurred
Service design $200
Design re-staking $50
Service design reactivation (six months after initial design is completed) $100
GIS paper map (8.5″ x 11″ or 11″ x 17″) $5 per sheet
GIS paper map (C,D,E or custom) $10 per sheet
GIS CD with PDF map $10 per PDF file
GIS CD with Shapefile of State layers and orthophotography $50 per 400′ map sheet
$50 per 100′ sub-grid GIS CD with Shapefile of PES-developed layers $25 per sub-grid
Replacement tree reimbursement Max. $60/tree
Service Upgrades
Each customer requesting an upgrade to an existing electric service (including increase the size of the electrical service, replacing an aerial service with an underground installation or moving from a single phase service to a three phase service) will be required to pay 50% of the calculated charges assessed by PES.
The customer will be responsible for all work necessary past PES’ point of connection.
Furthermore, if electing to install underground service, the customer is responsible for all trenching, conduit and concrete work needed for the underground installation.
Upgrade fees for Commercial customers with usage over 250kW will be negotiated separately and may be included in the customer’s power contract.