Tree Trimming

Tree Trimming Protects Lines & Maintains Uninterrupted Electric Service

Vegetation is a vital natural commodity. It provides needed shade in summer, helps clear the air of pollutants, provides a home for wildlife and pleases the eye with the beauty of its foliage and blossoms. When vegetation comes close to or in contact with utility power lines, a potentially hazardous situation is created often resulting in an electric outage. While vegetation is the cause of many outages, trees and power lines can coexist.

While vegetation is the cause of many outages, trees and power lines can coexist. To control the frequency of outages, PES establishes the following guidelines:


  1. NON-Manicured areas: PES will maintain these minimum clearances between vegetation and power lines:
  • Twenty-five (25) feet of clearance on each side of distribution lines
  • Thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) feet on each side of transmission lines
  • Ten (10) feet clearance around open secondary service lines
  • Six (6) feet of clearance around insulated secondary lines
  1. Manicured Yards: PES will maintain the these minimum clearances between vegetation and power lines:
  • 10 feet horizontal clearance and 6 feet of vertical clearance from energized lines
  • Any tree or tree limb in that “hazard zone” will be subject to removal, although PES tree crews will take into consideration the tree species, hardiness and speed of growth
  • All trees planted directly under electric lines in manicured yards must be on the approved tree list, available at the PES main office
  • To maintain optimal line accessibility, no woody-stemmed plants may be planted within 20 feet of utility poles. While PES will make every effort to avoid trees and shrubs, landscaping within 20 feet of the pole may be damaged during typical maintenance and will not be replaced by PES
  • 10 feet below the mounting height of all yard lights
  1. For underground services:
  • 6 feet of separation is required between all customer shrubs, trees and fences and PES Energize pad-mount transformers.
  • 2 feet of clearance around meter bases.

Right-of-Way Management

To encourage community education and involvement in vegetation management, PES participates in annual Arbor Day activities. PES donates 10¢ per customer per year to establish new wooded areas in the Pulaski, Giles County area, as outlined in the Tree Line USA program. Click the logos to learn more.

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