Welcome to the PES Building Specs Resource Page. Here you will find some of the building specifications most commonly asked about. You are encouraged to meet with us prior to your project launch and along the building process should you have any questions. PES also reminds you to CALL BEFORE YOU DIG to prevent unnecessary delays or surprises in your building plans!
Click the subject below to download informational materials in .PDF form.
- Typical hook-up for a (TSP) Temporary Service Pole
- Typical hook-up for overhead service that attaches to pole
- Typical hook-up for overhead service that attaches to wall of building
- Typical hook-up for overhead service that goes through the roof
- Underground Service to Pedestal
- Underground Residential Distribution (Written Pamphlet)
- Typical Trench and Backfill
- Typical Secondary Duct & Riser
- Typical hook-up for underground service that is less than 250’
- Typical UG Residential Service with Pad
- Typical Spec for US-23
- Typical 1-Phase Primary Duct & Riser
- Typical 1-Phase Sectionalizer Pad
- Typical 1-Phase Transformer Pad
- Typical 1-Phase Transformer Pad with Pull-Box (Available on Request)
- Typical 1-Phase Transformer Pad with Meter Ped (Available on Request)
- Typical 1-Phase Transformer Pad with Retaining Wall (Available on Request)
- Typical 3-Phase Secondary Duct & Riser (U-Guard)
- Typical 3-Phase Secondary Duct & Riser (Standoff Brackets)
- Typical 3-Phase Primary Duct & Riser
- Typical 3-Phase Primary Duct & Riser (Double Riser)
- Typical 3-Phase Sectionalizer Pad
- Typical 3-phase Transformer Pad
- 225 – 300 KVA Transformer Pad
- 225 – 300 KVA Transformer Pad (with Back Retaining Wall) (Available on Request)
- 225 – 300 KVA Transformer Pad (with Three Retaining Walls) (Available on Request)
- 500 – 750 KVA Transformer Pad
- 1000 – 1500 – 2000 KVA Transformer Pad
- Dual 1000 – 1500 – 2000 KVA Transformer Pad (Available on Request)